Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bulgaria Part III - Observations

The Defuser in Bulgaria – Observations

Since I have only been on SET 1 day in the last 6, I’ve had some time to really move around Bulgaria and make some observations.

First off; some info on Sophia, the capital city of Bulgaria; One of the oldest cities in Europe, the history of Sofia can be traced back some 7000 years. The well preserved town walls (especially their substructures) from antiquity date back before the 7th century BC, when Thracians established their city next to the most important and highly respected mineral spring, still functioning today. Sofia has had several names in the different periods of its existence, and remnants of the city's millenary history can still be seen today alongside modern landmarks.

There…now you’re educated.
Now keep in mind, these are just my observations and opinions, some good, some bad and some just simpy that.

Police - I’d heard nothing good about the POLICE in Sophia. Seeing as how this is my profession, I wanted to investigate this myself.
POLICE in Sophia make the equivilent of about $8,000 dollars a year compaired to the US avg of about $43,000.
Bascially, from what I have heard, no crimes are investigated in Sophia. There is nothing like a rank of Detective. Either they see you commit the crime or they don’t. According to reported numbers, less than 12% of crimes end with an arrest or conviction! Also, I was told that if you are pulled over for a traffic violation, simply hand the officer $20 lev (about 15 bucks) with your drivers license/passport and away you go.
I was also told that on Sundays, the police have the day off. So, what do they do? They pair up, sit on a street corner, in uniform and pull people over. Simple as that. It’s their equivilent of OVERTIME. They get there 15-20 lev per stop and then go home after about 6-8 hrs. Talk about bribery.
I actually set in the area in front of my hotel and watched them do this Sunday. Not a single ticket was written (and I watched closely).
I did get a bit nervous when after about an hour, one of the 4 officers I was watching walked over too me and asked what I was doing. Taken a bit off guard I replied that I had met a nice girl in a club the night before and she told me to meet her here today. He laughed it up and walked away, then all his buddies started laughing. WHEW! I decided it was time to head back to my room. I now knew why Bulgians ended conversations with me when I told them I was a cop. Police here are seen as parasites with no useful purpose to the community. Kinda depressing.

Traffic – Now I know I talked a little about driving in Sophia already. But did you know that many of the intersections have little digital timers on them??? Seriously, as you approach the intersection, you see a little LED countdown until the light turns RED. 3, 2, 1, STOP! It’s like a race to see if you can make it through!
Then, as you sit at the red light, just like at a drag race, the RED goes to YELLOW then to GREEN for GO! It’s amazing! One of my drivers used the sidewalk to pass the other day…I was freaking out!

Ok…now some good observations.

Ethics – This may sound a bit contradictory, and I won’t go into all the psychoanalisis of the why’s and what for’s. But it seems that in general, the Sophians are incredibly honest when it comes to the property of others…IE theft.
A few nights ago, after out eating dinner with the actors from the movie, we were waiting for others when I observed a night club across the street. While waiting, I saw numerous groups of people coming out. Some as young as 18, others near my age (old). As they left the bar, they walked down the sidewalk, past a little store. In front of the store was an open cooler of beer and other drinks for sale. No one from the store was outside. It was just sitting there, ripe for the taking. As a young group of very intoxicated people walked by, a young man grabbed a beer as he staggered by. Then to my surprise, he stumbled into the store, paid the man and caught up to his group. This happened time and time again. I can’t imagine what would happen if you placed an unguarded cooler outside on a sidewalk on Austin’s 6th Street. Or anywhere else for that matter. I mentioned this to a native Sophian that was with us. He considered it a non-issue stating; “the beer is for sale, no one will steal it and no group of people walking by would allow it. Only gypsy’s steal”
Hmmm…I’ll look more into this whole gyspy thing later.

Now for some great news!!!
Norma is on a flight coming to Bulgaria!!! How cool is that? Much thanks to my mom and dad for the early Christmas present! I actually havent done as much site seeing as I’d like because the only people I know are pretty much the actors I’m working with and most of us are either working or sleeping different hours. I look forward to showing Norma some of the great (if cold) things I’ve seen plus many new adventures!!!

I can report my very first international Defuser fan!!!!
Now, some credit has to go to Kevin (Mr. Hercules) who gathers a crowd where ever we go. His show is still being played here. While we were walking around down town the other day, a small group mobbed him and while taking pictures, it was asked if I was anyone famous. (I’d been presenting myself as his body guard just so I felt useful) Kevin began to go on about the Superhero show when one man in the crowd said; “Da Da!!! Stan Lee Vedy big Stan Lee!!! Du grab za dogs! Da da!!!” I will leave the translation to your imagination but he had indeed seen the show. It was a great Defuser moment. J

If I havent mentioned it; the movie is called “Lightning Strikes!” and probably won’t air until this time next year. Lot’s of POST production.
That’s all for now!

-The Defuser!


Blogger Unknown said...

Good food - ethically flexible law enforcement - sounds like my kind of place. Stay as long as you like. Austin will probably still be here when you get back.


December 1, 2008 at 9:42 AM  
Blogger Kimberly T. said...

That is so awesome! Well…not the part about the police…that’s frightening and sad. You and Norma be careful while you are out discovering the country (or countries…hint…hint). Make the most of it. I hope she brings a Texas sized coat for that cold. I am bracing myself now for the cold we’ll feel when we get to Canada on the 12th. And we’ll be on the water taking a ferry to Vancouver, so it will feel even colder.

Tell Norma I said “hello” and to have some fun for me! …And didn’t I tell you that a Defuser fan would appear at some point? You can thank me later. Take care and keep the blogs coming. This is good stuff.

December 1, 2008 at 10:39 AM  

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