Monday, August 10, 2009

Promises Broken

I talked a couple of months ago about retiring The Defuser. It’s been over 2 years since Stan crowned me the next great superhero and the fun of donning the spandex for various events has lost much of its luster. I’ll try to give you the shortened version of events; (no guarantee of how short)
In April of 2007 I won the show, of course this didn’t air until the last episode on Sept. 6th of the same year.
For winning the show I was promised; A 1-shot comic “written by Stan Lee”, an appearance in a SciFi Channel movie (I was not promised a Defuser movie as many people think) and an action figure by Shocker Toys.
By the time the show finally aired, the powers that be had over 4 months to at least begin creation and delivery of my prizes.
I began doing the convention circuit for 2 reasons; one was to promote The Defuser and second was to raise money for Scare for a CURE. I never intended to benefit financially from the show or the aftermath.
The question that continually popped up at the shows was, “Hey where’s your comic and action figure?”
Feedback, season ones winner, gave me some great advice that I failed to follow. He told me to immediately start getting on NBC and Darkhorse about the comic and other prizes. I, in my ignorance, assumed that since prizes were promised, that they would be delivered. I would not consider myself naïve, but I do tend to rely on the inherent “goodness” of people. Do unto others as you might say.
By September of 2008, a full year after the finale, and over 16 months since I actually won, I had received none of the prizes and only the most cursory and canned of responses basically stating that the check was in the mail.
A ray of hope broke through when later that month I was contacted that a movie was coming up and it might be THE movie I was to be in. That experience ALMOST makes up for the rest of this story as I had an incredible time in Bulgaria filming “Lightning Strikes” with Kevin Sorbo. (Check my other blogs for those stories)

In January of this year, I finally started getting some answers about the comic and oddly, it seems that once the process started, it only took about 3 months to do my comic. Even this probably would never have happened had it not been for someone I befriended at the Chicago Con in 2008; David Campiti, owner Glass House Graphics. David has been in the industry for many years and was instrumental in giving me accurate information about the process and current status of my comic, which, at the time was NIL.
In April of 2008, my comic was released, 2 YEARS since I had won the show.
It should be noted however that it was not written by Stan Lee, as he himself promised on the show. It seems that the lack of a season 3 eliminated the need for doing a comic at all.
My ability to use the comic to raise money for charity was incredibly diminished if not completely void.
Now, as it has been for the last 2.5 years, I’m told for literally the 6th or 7th time that the action figure is just months away.
Months away???
It’s been that since 2007! At what point do I end my patient ways? I’ve spoken to the owners of Shocker Toys several times on the phone, in email and face to face as I did this weekend.
I am always hesitant to call someone a liar but they are either that or simply not very good at their job. I get the same answer each time I speak to them. I simply don’t buy it. And instead of getting a very cool, detailed custom action figure, if it ever does show up, it will just be a different paint job on one of their existing figures.

Is it time to bring up the “L” word? (lawyer) What is the price of not delivering on a prize that was announced to great promotion nation wide? (If not world wide)
What would adequate compensation be for not keeping your word regarding a show that was supposed to epitomize the values of being a hero?
I don’t know. I really don’t know.
I do know that my patience is at an end and my frustration is getting old.

If anyone from NBCU or Scifi is listening, let’s start with $10,000 donated to Scare for a CURE and all rights for The Defuser transferred to me.